The Week Ahead
Celebrate our country's Independence and the 4th of July at a Rifle Match. What better way to celebrate the 4th than to be on the range pulling some triggers. This coming Independence Day, dig out that M1 Garand and/or that M1A you haven't fired in a while and mosey over to the Eau Claire Rifle Club for the holiday matches. You know that Ron Berg and the Wisc. guys always put on a good fun match, so go and have some fun. The CMP course of fire "B" will be used in both matches.
Click Here for M1 match bulletin Click Here for M1A match bulletin
After practicing up on the 4th and a little closer to home here in Minn, the Gopher Rifle and Revolver Club will be hosting it's own CMP games on Saturday, July 6th. Once again, it's a fun service rifle match that is the order of the day. This time shooters will be firing CMP course "A" in the morning -- 5 sighters prone at 200 yds, and then 10 shots for record in each of the three regular positions, Prone slow fire, Prone rapid fire, and Standing slow fire. The morning's match is to be followed in the afternoon by a CMP Sniper Team match. Shooters will choose up two man teams, then fire and coach each other thru 10 record shots per shooter at both 300 and 600 yds. That should be a fun match!
Click Here for GRRC's CMP match bulletin.
Regional NRA Championship matches are taking place this coming weekend, July 6 & 7th at the NorthWestern Gun Club, just a couple hrs. North of the twin cities. A good turnout is expected as shooters from the upper Midwest enjoy the north woods scenery on the shores of Hunter Lake and know that they will always find this picturesque rifle range to be one of the nicest places anywhere to shoot a rifle match. There is camping available at the range and there is also always a social hr. after the match for shooters to unwind with a cool beverage, and get to know their fellow competitors. The course of fire for the weekend is similar to the State matches last weekend at Redwing. Saturday's match will be for the individual Regional Championship, and the Prone slow fire part of the Team Match. Sunday's action will start off with the finish of the team match, and then about 1100hrs Service Rifle shooters will again try to earn some of those elusive, and very hard to earn, Leg Points in the EIC Leg Match. Click Here for Match Bulletin
Last Weekend
Small Bore -- Minnesota Small Bore 3-P and 4-P State Championships June 29,30
No match report available at this time
High Power
"On the Firing line Reports"
"2013 MN State NRA and Service Rifle Championships"
From: Erik Rhode
Celebrate our country's Independence and the 4th of July at a Rifle Match. What better way to celebrate the 4th than to be on the range pulling some triggers. This coming Independence Day, dig out that M1 Garand and/or that M1A you haven't fired in a while and mosey over to the Eau Claire Rifle Club for the holiday matches. You know that Ron Berg and the Wisc. guys always put on a good fun match, so go and have some fun. The CMP course of fire "B" will be used in both matches.
Click Here for M1 match bulletin Click Here for M1A match bulletin
After practicing up on the 4th and a little closer to home here in Minn, the Gopher Rifle and Revolver Club will be hosting it's own CMP games on Saturday, July 6th. Once again, it's a fun service rifle match that is the order of the day. This time shooters will be firing CMP course "A" in the morning -- 5 sighters prone at 200 yds, and then 10 shots for record in each of the three regular positions, Prone slow fire, Prone rapid fire, and Standing slow fire. The morning's match is to be followed in the afternoon by a CMP Sniper Team match. Shooters will choose up two man teams, then fire and coach each other thru 10 record shots per shooter at both 300 and 600 yds. That should be a fun match!
Click Here for GRRC's CMP match bulletin.
Regional NRA Championship matches are taking place this coming weekend, July 6 & 7th at the NorthWestern Gun Club, just a couple hrs. North of the twin cities. A good turnout is expected as shooters from the upper Midwest enjoy the north woods scenery on the shores of Hunter Lake and know that they will always find this picturesque rifle range to be one of the nicest places anywhere to shoot a rifle match. There is camping available at the range and there is also always a social hr. after the match for shooters to unwind with a cool beverage, and get to know their fellow competitors. The course of fire for the weekend is similar to the State matches last weekend at Redwing. Saturday's match will be for the individual Regional Championship, and the Prone slow fire part of the Team Match. Sunday's action will start off with the finish of the team match, and then about 1100hrs Service Rifle shooters will again try to earn some of those elusive, and very hard to earn, Leg Points in the EIC Leg Match. Click Here for Match Bulletin
Small Bore -- Minnesota Small Bore 3-P and 4-P State Championships June 29,30
No match report available at this time
High Power
"On the Firing line Reports"
"2013 MN State NRA and Service Rifle Championships"
From: Erik Rhode

Just wanted to fill you in on the results from last weekend. Cap'n Bob has the results for the Leg Match and will be sending that in.
overnight on Friday and into Saturday morning might have scared off a
few potential shooters, but we still had a good turnout with 32 total
shooters for the day with 20 shooting Service Rifles and the other 12
shooting the fancy guns. After a few years of low numbers, it was nice
to see 11 targets all moving at the same time. The rain held off and it
turned out to be a good day for a shooting contest.
After a quick safety briefing/pep talk from Cap'n Bob, we got underway at 9 o'clock sharp.
"200 Yard Standing Match"
Biles and Matt Griffin came out of the gate strong in the standing
match with both putting up very solid 193's. Griff could not find the X
ring and Jim's single X edged out Matt's zero for the match win and the
right to put his name on yet another trophy. In the Service Rifle
ranks, Jim Schonke and Scott Brabec both put up 188's with Jim's 5 X's
topping Scott's 3 to take that match. After a quick safety briefing/pep talk from Cap'n Bob, we got underway at 9 o'clock sharp.
"200 Yard Standing Match"
"200 Yard Sitting Match"
sitting match was next, and most were happy to get off of their feet
and start shooting good scores! I managed to hang on for a 200-7x to
win that match and the trophy. JIm Biles, Matt Griffin and Omer Hamer
were close behind, each firing 197's. On the SR side, Mark Havlik put
up a strong 196-7x for the win.
"300 Yard Prone Match"
"300 Yard Prone Match"
we got into the prone matches, Kevin Bangen reminded everyone why he
has been the top OTC shooter in MN for so long. Kevin managed the only
200 of the match and backed it up with 5 X's to walk away with that
trophy. Cap'n Bob matched Kevin's X-count but dropped 2 points to
finish 2nd with a 198-5x.
Over in SR country,
we had to get out the official NRA rule book to figure out a seemingly
unbreakable tie. Two foreigners - Matt Cwach of Yankton, SD and Jim
Schonke of Pepin, WI fired identical 198-7x scores with both also firing
the same total for each string - 99-2x and 99-5x. If I recall, the
rules give the tie-breaker to the 600 yard score so Matt ended up as the
match winner for that one. Glad we had a rule book handy!
Service Rifle shooters at the 600 yd line
"600 Yard Prone Match"
Back at the 600 yard line, the winds were starting to swirl, like they almost always do in the afternoon at North Star. Kevin Bangen, Omer Hamer and Phil Klanderud all shot 198's, but Kevin's astounding 15 X's left the others in the dust for the win. I was lucky enough to be scoring for Kevin at 600 and was mightily impressed by his string of 8 consecutive X's in his first 10 shots. Just another reminder of why Kevin is the guy all of the rest of us strive to beat.
"600 Yard Prone Match"
Back at the 600 yard line, the winds were starting to swirl, like they almost always do in the afternoon at North Star. Kevin Bangen, Omer Hamer and Phil Klanderud all shot 198's, but Kevin's astounding 15 X's left the others in the dust for the win. I was lucky enough to be scoring for Kevin at 600 and was mightily impressed by his string of 8 consecutive X's in his first 10 shots. Just another reminder of why Kevin is the guy all of the rest of us strive to beat.
Service Rifle
Over to the black rifle guys - it was a father vs. son brawl with South Dakotans George and Matt Cwach both firing identical 196-6x scores. The Creedmoor tie-breaker went to George, as he reminded Matt that he's his Daddy, both literally and figuratively.
At the end of the day, it was Matt Griffin proving that slow and steady wins the race, and his consistent stage scores added up to an excellent match-winning score 783-18x. Kevin Bangen's late-day surge left him only a single point back with 782-29x. I know Kevin would had spotted Matt a few of those X's in exchange for 1 more point! Jim Biles took the Bronze and was also the High Senior with a 779-17x. Omer Hamer was the High Grand Senior with a 774-16x. I hope to get Omer back out to Camp Perry one of these years as I know he would take the Grand Senior trophy at the National Championship just as easily as he does it in MN.
Wrapping up the Service Rifle Contest, Matt Cwach made the long drive from Yankton worthwhile by shooting a 767-19x for the match win. Since the MRRA rules dictate that the trophy has to stay in MN, Matt will receive a nice plaque to commemorate his title. The top MN resident was up-and-coming NSRC member Scott Brabec. Scott fired a rock-solid 765-20x from the Expert Class to take home the title of "MN State Service Rifle Champion" and the coveted jug trophy that goes with it. Scott is going to be a guy to watch out for in the SR ranks. He has only shot in 3 or 4 matches and already has Leg points as well as a state championship title under his belt. You can bet that the hard-core service rifle shooters noticed!
Congratulations and Great shooting to Matt Griffin, Matt Cwach and Scott Brabec!
"Team Championship Match"
team match started at about 4:30 Saturday afternoon and consisted of 4
teams vying for the long-lost and newly restored Team Championship
trophy. NSRC fielded a Match Rifle and a Service Rifle team,
Minneapolis Rifle Club sent their top 4 MR shooters and the MRRA was
also represented with a state association team.
We finished up around noon on Sunday and when the dust settled, the North Star Rifle Club Match Rifle Team consisting of Kevin Bangen, Omer Hamer, Cap'n Bob Peasley and yours truly managed to hold on to the title for a 4th straight year with a score of 1934-53x. I am happy to report that the team trophy is sitting right next to me as I type this, along with the 200-yard sitting trophy.
Special thanks to Mike May for calling the line all weekend and running a tight ship. Stat officer extraordinaire Barb Bangen helped tremendously throughout the weekend. As always, the match wouldn't have happened at all without Bob Peasley's experience and expertise. These folks really made the club look like a professional operation.
Thanks to everyone for coming down and making the match a success! We hope to see you all in September for our Mid Range Regional Championship!
Best regards, Erik Rhode NSRC Highpower Director
Match Rifle results
Service Rifle results
Team Match
From Capt. Bob
"Only 4 teams were entered with 2 shooting service rifle & 2 match rifle teams.
As mentioned the North Star team of Kevin Bangen, Erik Rhode, Omer Hamer & Bob Peasley took the NRA trophy. You will also note that the MRRA winning SR team had 5 shooters! That team consisted of Mark Havlik, Joe Simones, Mark Schoess, Kurt Moline & Larry Weidell. One of the members had a family emergency & could not return to finish the team match Sunday. We all agreed it was better to have them finish with a substitute than not shoot.
There was a 50% threat of rain Saturday but it didn't happen. Sunday was a bluebird day for shooting with light wind and temperatures in the mid 70's. There were not enough teams for cash awards but the North Star match rifle team won the recently recovered team trophy. It will reside with North Star HP director & team member Erik Rhode for a year. Or until his wife gets tired of dusting it & makes him give it to another team member. The Walnut team plaques will also stay with Erik."
We finished up around noon on Sunday and when the dust settled, the North Star Rifle Club Match Rifle Team consisting of Kevin Bangen, Omer Hamer, Cap'n Bob Peasley and yours truly managed to hold on to the title for a 4th straight year with a score of 1934-53x. I am happy to report that the team trophy is sitting right next to me as I type this, along with the 200-yard sitting trophy.
Special thanks to Mike May for calling the line all weekend and running a tight ship. Stat officer extraordinaire Barb Bangen helped tremendously throughout the weekend. As always, the match wouldn't have happened at all without Bob Peasley's experience and expertise. These folks really made the club look like a professional operation.
Thanks to everyone for coming down and making the match a success! We hope to see you all in September for our Mid Range Regional Championship!
Best regards, Erik Rhode NSRC Highpower Director
Match Rifle results
Service Rifle results

Team Match

"Only 4 teams were entered with 2 shooting service rifle & 2 match rifle teams.
As mentioned the North Star team of Kevin Bangen, Erik Rhode, Omer Hamer & Bob Peasley took the NRA trophy. You will also note that the MRRA winning SR team had 5 shooters! That team consisted of Mark Havlik, Joe Simones, Mark Schoess, Kurt Moline & Larry Weidell. One of the members had a family emergency & could not return to finish the team match Sunday. We all agreed it was better to have them finish with a substitute than not shoot.
There was a 50% threat of rain Saturday but it didn't happen. Sunday was a bluebird day for shooting with light wind and temperatures in the mid 70's. There were not enough teams for cash awards but the North Star match rifle team won the recently recovered team trophy. It will reside with North Star HP director & team member Erik Rhode for a year. Or until his wife gets tired of dusting it & makes him give it to another team member. The Walnut team plaques will also stay with Erik."
Leg Match
Congratulations to
Matt Griffin, Jim Schonke and Larry Weidell for winning medals in the Leg Match. It looks like with 17 non-Distinguished shooters on the line that there should have been two all-important Legs given out and those legs would go to Scott Brabec and George Cwach. Congratulations to Scott and George for getting a "leg up on the competition" in their quest for that Distinguished Rifleman's Badge.
Results of Leg match
My Excuse from Capt. Bob:
"Once again had I shot better standing, sitting & prone I would have won the whole thing!"
Yup! Bob, you only needed 68 more points, 5 more Xs and you'd have been right in there. That reminds me of the year I almost won the National Champ at Camp Perry -- just 120 more points and.......well, who knows.
Our Friend, shooting companion, and contributor to this blog, Mark Havlik's, wife has been diagnosed with a debilitating Illness. Let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers as we may not see Mark so much this year while he is spending his time helping his wife recover.
Two Weeks Out
July 14th -- 300 meter International at MRC --no program available
July 13,14 -- MN long Range, Palma, and F-class LR State Championship at GRRC
Click Here for Match Bulletin
July 13th -- Sm Bore 3P 1200 at MRC Click Here for match bulletin
July 14th -- Sm Bore Outdoor Prone 1200 and Barbeque at MRC Click Here for match bulletin
That's All Folks !
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