It's time for a road trip to Wisconsin. Traditionally the first major Rifle Matches of the season have been held at the Eau Claire National Rifle Club. This year is no exception. Saturday Apr 26 ECNRC will kick off the season by hosting a Mid Range Prone shooting match that will be shot from their 600 yd line. Each of the four 20 shot matches to be fired will allow 2 sighter shots, so bring at least 88 rds (and a few extra). The first two matches are to be fired with "Any Rifle, Any Sights)" (NRA rules), and the last two matches are "Any Rifle, Iron sights" for sling shooters. F class shooters will fire all 4 matches under the Belly Benchrest rules.
On Sunday, Apr 27 the actions switches to Over the Course matches, where shooters will shoot a Standing match from the 200 yd line, a Sitting and Prone Rapid fire match also from the short yd lines, and finish out the day with a 20 shot prone match again from the 600 yd line.
Mail Entries to: Jim Melville 4532 160th, St Chippewa Falls, WI. 54729
For Match Info: Phone 715-450-6463 E-Mail
(prefer E-Mail contact for match info)
Click Here for Match entry and info