Be the first to visit the new Minnesota State Service Rifle Team web site.
Click here (under development now)
This site, while associated with Minnesota Rifle Shooting blog, will be specifically targeted to news and information about the Minnesota State Service Rifle Team and Service Rifle competition. Kurt Borlaug, State Team Capt. will use this site to promote service rifle shooting and recruit service rifle shooters for the State Team. All service rifle shooters in MN are encouraged to contact Kurt and become members of the State Team. Kurt is trying to recruit 16 shooters (2 teams) to compete in the Camp Perry Nationals in Ohio this Aug.
I'm sure that Kurt will want all service rifle shooters to submit, for posting on this site, any pictures, and news interesting to other service rifle shooters. Let's go guys and gals, we need to send a good team from Mn this year to compete and have some fun!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Out of town Match -- Phoenix Rod and Gun club 500yd 3x20 Mar 27, 2010
Phoenix Sky Line and firing lines from PRGC pits
More Pictures form this match at:
Pics: Click Here
Scores - click here
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Robert Sandager has left the range
Robert (Sandy) Sandager passed away yesterday. Sandy was a long time member of Mpls Rifle Club, a great patron of our sport, a great shooter and an all around great guy to everyone who knew him.
Sandy was a 300 m shooter who shot on the Olympic team in 1952. He was instramental in promoting, funding and building the 300 m range at Mpls Rifle Club-- one of only two electronic target 300 m ranges in the US. He promoted 300 m shooting right to the end and was always ready to coach interested shooters such as myself.
He also served as a officer in the US Army during WW2 and was a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge --Dec- Jan 1945, a bloody battle that cost the US more than 19,000 killed in action.
Rest in Peace Sandy
"No Less than Victory" Story of the Battle of the Bulge by Jeff Shaara
Sandy was a 300 m shooter who shot on the Olympic team in 1952. He was instramental in promoting, funding and building the 300 m range at Mpls Rifle Club-- one of only two electronic target 300 m ranges in the US. He promoted 300 m shooting right to the end and was always ready to coach interested shooters such as myself.
He also served as a officer in the US Army during WW2 and was a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge --Dec- Jan 1945, a bloody battle that cost the US more than 19,000 killed in action.
Rest in Peace Sandy
"No Less than Victory" Story of the Battle of the Bulge by Jeff Shaara
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This Weekend -- Mar 27th
The state Offhand Championship is being held this weekend -- March 27th-- at Northwestern Gun Club, a few miles NW of Duluth. Take this chance to visit another of Minnesota's great rifle ranges and participate in this match. Shooting is from indoors to outside at 200 yds so you will stay nice and toasty warm in the shooting house--Plenty of socializing when not shooting.
Offhand match program click here
Offhand match program click here
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Western Wildcat matches Day 1- 4
Pictures of Western Wildcat Matches Day 1-4
Click Here a few Day 2, 3, and 4 pics added
I did use the smaller rear apertures and I shot my best Iron sight score in the Wildcat matches---8 pts above my average. I used a .85 rear ap-- worked for me
4 Day Western Wildcat Grand Aggregate scores--
Click Here
Winner is Tarl Kempley followed by Rea Kempley.
Will Silverman's pictures from Wildcat matches posted at:
Click Here
Click Here a few Day 2, 3, and 4 pics added
I did use the smaller rear apertures and I shot my best Iron sight score in the Wildcat matches---8 pts above my average. I used a .85 rear ap-- worked for me
4 Day Western Wildcat Grand Aggregate scores--
Click Here
Winner is Tarl Kempley followed by Rea Kempley.
Will Silverman's pictures from Wildcat matches posted at:
Click Here
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Old eyes, can't see, and rear apertures
Old Eyes and Iron sights -- Part 1
It gets harder and harder to get a good sight picture, and sight allignment these days. They say that old eyes lose resolving power, and suffer reduced depth of field as one approaches 60 years old. Well, for me, that age milestone was passed years ago, and Iron sights are becoming a real problem -- and for some strange reason aperture sights are more a problem than battle sights (???).
I shot two matches this past weekend. Saturday I did very poorly in the Sm Bore Road Runner match -- lots of wild shots, off call. I just couldn't see the target. Sunday, I shot the Martin Cup 500 yd match and did quite well -- 4th, one pt out of 2nd, and I could see the target. So, what was different? Lunching with German Salazar, Mike and Tara Toliver after the match, I mentioned that today I had been using a very small rear aperture(0.9) whereas on Sat. the light must have been different as I was using a very large rear aperture (1.5). Both German and Mike said right away the large Rear aperature I used on Sat was the cause of not being able get a good sight picture and the cause of the wild shots.
I have been using larger rear apertures for years, and recently more so because I have been using a 30mm "Right Sight" on the front, and I like to have a good line of white around the front globe for the purposes of getting good sight alignment. Yes, I use the front globe for sight alignment not just the aperature. I have also thought that my real problem with "wild" shots was sight alignment and not sight picture, NPA, position, etc.
German, being the good mentor that he is, once again advised me to forget the front globe, and the concept of sight alignment, and just concentrate on the front aperture and centering the bullseye. He says to just "look through" the Rear ap, and forget about it. "If you close the Rear Aperture down to where you can barely see anything, then open it up just a little and simply look through it, you will not have sight alignment problems. If the rear aperture is really small, your eye must be centered to even see through it. The small aperture will increase your depth of field, the front sight and the bull will be much sharper and sight alignment will become automatic. On a small bore rifle--snuggle right up to the rear sight and close that aperture down to even 0.7 and just "look through it and forget it".
Well, I'm ready to try anything to help my sagging scores, so I went out yesterday to the range and tried the very small rear aperture, and yes I could see much more clearly and I seemed to have no alignment problems. The first 3 shots went in the same hole! The rest of the target went very well, and I am now ready for the first day of the Western Wildcat matches starting tomorrow.
It gets harder and harder to get a good sight picture, and sight allignment these days. They say that old eyes lose resolving power, and suffer reduced depth of field as one approaches 60 years old. Well, for me, that age milestone was passed years ago, and Iron sights are becoming a real problem -- and for some strange reason aperture sights are more a problem than battle sights (???).
I shot two matches this past weekend. Saturday I did very poorly in the Sm Bore Road Runner match -- lots of wild shots, off call. I just couldn't see the target. Sunday, I shot the Martin Cup 500 yd match and did quite well -- 4th, one pt out of 2nd, and I could see the target. So, what was different? Lunching with German Salazar, Mike and Tara Toliver after the match, I mentioned that today I had been using a very small rear aperture(0.9) whereas on Sat. the light must have been different as I was using a very large rear aperture (1.5). Both German and Mike said right away the large Rear aperature I used on Sat was the cause of not being able get a good sight picture and the cause of the wild shots.
I have been using larger rear apertures for years, and recently more so because I have been using a 30mm "Right Sight" on the front, and I like to have a good line of white around the front globe for the purposes of getting good sight alignment. Yes, I use the front globe for sight alignment not just the aperature. I have also thought that my real problem with "wild" shots was sight alignment and not sight picture, NPA, position, etc.
German, being the good mentor that he is, once again advised me to forget the front globe, and the concept of sight alignment, and just concentrate on the front aperture and centering the bullseye. He says to just "look through" the Rear ap, and forget about it. "If you close the Rear Aperture down to where you can barely see anything, then open it up just a little and simply look through it, you will not have sight alignment problems. If the rear aperture is really small, your eye must be centered to even see through it. The small aperture will increase your depth of field, the front sight and the bull will be much sharper and sight alignment will become automatic. On a small bore rifle--snuggle right up to the rear sight and close that aperture down to even 0.7 and just "look through it and forget it".
Result: 10 shots- 50m UIT target -- Iron sights --yesterday SK std ammo
We'll see how it goes.Hawkeye
Monday, March 15, 2010
Out of Town Matches
2010 Road Runner Sm bore competitors
Ben Avery, Phoenix AZ
March 13th, 2010
Winner: Rick Curtis
notable: Bill Burta-1600 in F-class
Winners at John Martin Cup 500yd match
Rio Salado, Mesa, AZ
March 14th, 2010
Winner: German Salazar
Ben Avery, Phoenix AZ
March 13th, 2010
Winner: Rick Curtis
notable: Bill Burta-1600 in F-class
Winners at John Martin Cup 500yd match
Rio Salado, Mesa, AZ
March 14th, 2010
Winner: German Salazar
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Follow up to paper posted below
Army paper prompts look at combat gear (see below: Taking back the infantry half kilometer)
Army sees need for markmanship and long distance riflery
Army sees need for markmanship and long distance riflery
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Shooters News -- Mar 10th (Minn area)
Next Match
State Off-hand Championship -- March 27thNorthwestern Gun Club (near Duluth on beautiful Hunter's lake) will be hosting the Start Offhand Championship March 27th 2010.
Less than 2 hrs north, NWGC, is a great place to shoot-- even in the winter, as all cold weather shooting is done from inside the shooting house --from shooting booths on the 200 yd line. The pits are enclosed and heated by a barrel stove so cold weather is not a problem. The shooting house is also heated and is a good place to socialize when you are not shooting. Quite often there are sausages and venison on the stove and a good time will be had by all.
Program and entry:
Up-coming: Service Rifle Clinic
" We (Gopher Rifle and Revolver Club) are excited to announce the next Service Rifle Clinic. This year we will be implementing a new teaching format. There will be a brief classroom session in the GRRC Red Shed. We will then proceed to the 200 yard line for the practical portion of the clinic. The Clinic will be held on Saturday, May 15th, 2010 with a 7:30 am roll call. The clinic should be completed around 2:00pm.
The purpose of the clinic is to teach the Fundamentals of High Power Service Rifle Marksmanship. We will cover many topics, including sight alignment, trigger control, breathing, and equipment. The clinic will show the participant how to compete in a High Power Rifle Match; yet will be held in a relaxed and low-pressure environment. After the Clinic, the participant will have enough information to compete in
High Power Rifle matches held all across the country, including the famous National Matches held at Camp Perry, Ohio. During the entire clinic, there will be an experienced rifleman on each firing point to coach, assist and share their expertise. These experienced riflemen will also be the safety officers. We want this experience to be safe and enjoyable. Please bring a pen and notebook to the Clinic because we will be covering a lot of information!
Please contact me at with any questions. We look forward to seeing you!"
Kurt Borlaug
Program and Entry form:
Program and Entry form:
A really good read
Why the M16/M4 as used in combat today is ineffective in KILLING the enemy!
"Increasing small arms lethality in Afghanistan: Taking back the infantry half-Kilometer by Major Thomas P. Ehrhart USA
" Operations in Afghanistan frequently require US ground forces to engage and destroy the enemy at ranges beyond 300 meters. These operations occur in rugged terrain and in situations where traditional supporting fires are limited due to range or risk of collateral damage. With these limitations the infantry in Afghanistan require a precise lethal fire capability that exists only in a properly trained and equipped infantryman. while the infantryman is ideally suited for combat in Afghanistan, his current weapons doctrine and marksmanship training do not provide a precise, lethal fire capability to 500 meters and are therefore inappropriate.
Comments from returning non-commissioned officers and officers reveal that about fifth percent of engagements occur past 300 meters. The enemy tactics are to engage US forces from high ground with medium and heavy weapons, often including mortars, knowing that we are restricted by our equipment limitations and the inability of our overburdened soldiers to maneuver at elevations exceeding 6000 feet. current equipment, training, and doctrine are optimize for engagements under 300 meters and on level terrain. ....."
This paper explains the problem, history, and gives realistic solutions. It's rather long but a very good read.
Gun show Help Needed!
"Boys, (and Gals) We need some help to man the GRRC HP Clinic booth March 20 and 21. Saturday is the critical day as Tom and Kurt need to be at the MRRA BOD/ GM meeting on the 20th. We can both be there on Sunday. I dealy we'd like 3 people at all times to answer questions and appear smart about HP shooting. This is a $ maker for our discipline and promotion is crucial.
Reply back here or call me at 651-263-4576. NO CALLS AFTER 9 PM!!!"
Thanks, Kurt Borlaug
Air Rifle target for Off-hand practice
"Several folks have requested a copy of the 200yd NRA Target reduced to 10 Meters. I got my scanner working so I made a printable PDF file of the target. Its good for dry firing or shooting in the basement with air rifle....."
click here:
Regards" George Minerich MRRA Pres.
Team Warm-up match May 30th
"HP shooters:
Yes I know there is still snow on the ground and there are flood forecasts for April. But there has been a lot of interest in a NRA team practice/warm up match prior to the "real" team match in June. So by popular demand here is your program for this event. Most everyone who replied to my earlier note said they would prefer a 50 shot event. We can do a 15-30 minute review of team shooting prior to kick off if desired. This might make your new team shooters feel more comfortable.
This is just your reminder that it will happen. So get busy and start lining up your teams. Remember, club teams are preferred but state assn. teams are welcome as well as pick up teams. I'll have a follow up late April with another reminder."
Program Rev 2 (50 shot)--
Program Rev 2 (50 shot)--
Bob Peasley
Think Spring and Keep em in the Middle
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Small Bore Ammo too expensive?
I recently picked up a brick of Lapua Midas L Small bore ammo for my venerable but very accurate, Mod-52D Winchester. This is a 1963 .22 target rifle that has had many many thousands of rds through it and it seems to like slightly larger dia. of the Midas L ammo. With a few other purchases I paid my bill at Brunos and noted that I was spending a little more than I thought it would be. Well when I got home and looked at the bill, I found that I had payed $16.43/50 rd box for those little rimfire bullets. Holy cow, I dont even feed my dog that good. $16 a box--- I must be nuts! Well, it is a great rifle and I do love shooting it--but $16 a box,,arrrgh!
I'm sure that you have all noticed the rise in prices of Sm bore ammo and you may feel like I do, it isn't worth it---because it isn't, unless you are a High Master shooter that can expect to shoot a 1600 on a good day and win the Western Wildcats match. Well, I'm not and I don't so I'm not going to lay out that kind of money for "The Best" ammo. I am starting to believe that there is lots of good ammo out there at much more reasonable prices, so I am now shooting SK and Wolf ammo---$4 to $6 per box and I think I am getting just as good scores as I would with the "really good" stuff. With me, it aint the ammo that shoots most of those bad shots, it's my old eyes and lack of skill.
On a good day I can get in the 1590's with a scope (1598-105x last time) and average 1571-70x with irons weather its $16 per box or $4 per box--- so why pay too much for ammo.
Can $6 ammo shoot well--see below. That's a 100 yd metric target from the last metric match I shot with iron sights. Other than one called bad shot the group is about 1 min of angle. Good enough for me and I think that it would have been half that with a scope and a rest.
SK Match ammo, Irons, 100 yds, A33 tgt
See you all at the Western Wildcats matches 3/17---3/21 Phoenix.
I'm sure that you have all noticed the rise in prices of Sm bore ammo and you may feel like I do, it isn't worth it---because it isn't, unless you are a High Master shooter that can expect to shoot a 1600 on a good day and win the Western Wildcats match. Well, I'm not and I don't so I'm not going to lay out that kind of money for "The Best" ammo. I am starting to believe that there is lots of good ammo out there at much more reasonable prices, so I am now shooting SK and Wolf ammo---$4 to $6 per box and I think I am getting just as good scores as I would with the "really good" stuff. With me, it aint the ammo that shoots most of those bad shots, it's my old eyes and lack of skill.
On a good day I can get in the 1590's with a scope (1598-105x last time) and average 1571-70x with irons weather its $16 per box or $4 per box--- so why pay too much for ammo.
Can $6 ammo shoot well--see below. That's a 100 yd metric target from the last metric match I shot with iron sights. Other than one called bad shot the group is about 1 min of angle. Good enough for me and I think that it would have been half that with a scope and a rest.
SK Match ammo, Irons, 100 yds, A33 tgt
See you all at the Western Wildcats matches 3/17---3/21 Phoenix.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
PGRC Small Bore 1600 --2/28/10 Die hards in the rain
The day was chilly and overcast with some rain. Up against the Seinor Olympics 500 yard and the Vancouver Olympics we had a rather small turnout. Richard Layton had a great start but found fowling a problem later in the day (time for a new barrel already on order). Jake Crown a new Junior had a wonderful first day out. Bob Del Cotto came down for some practice before next weeks One Day Regional.
From Jack Arnold
Phoenix Rod and Gun Club Smallbore Prone | Feb,28,2010 | |||||
2/28/2010 | ||||||
Name | Class | 50 Yard | 50 Meter | Dewar | 100 YRD | Grand Agg |
Richard Layton Jr. | Jr. | 400-33 | 400-23 | 397-17 | 397-23 | 1594-96 |
Jack Arnold | M | 397-27 | 394-22 | 398-24 | 395-21 | 1584-94 |
Mick W Walker | S | 399-16 | 393-21 | 398-30 | 398-26 | 1588-93 |
JakeCrownJrFclass | Jr. | 397-28 | 394-21 | 396-23 | 397-20 | 1584-92 |
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